3 November 2013

My favourite shy guy of all time. Flamenco singer Antonio “El Arenero”

Antonio González Garzón (1925-2004) was a flamenco singer (cantaor) from Triana (trianero), Seville. He was also known as "El Arenero" (one who deals with sand) because of having been engaged in hauling sand from the river bed of GuadalquivirFrom an early age he took part in the get-togethers of flamenco enthusiasts at different flamenco clubs in Triana, but, as he had always been afraid of singing in public, didn't come through until 1976. He didn't live all his life in Triana, though, but moved to San Diego neighbourhood in the North District of Seville

El Arenero singing. Image taken from the blog Iniciación al Flamenco (An Introduction to Flamenco)

El Arenero, having been an outstanding performer of Gypsy songs of Soleá style, was also known for singing Siguiriyas and Martinetes (other song forms that belong to Gypsy folk art category). He was accompanied on guitar by different Sevillian flamenco guitarists (tocaores), including Quique Paredes, Jose Luis PostigoManuel Domínguez "El Rubio"Ricardo Miñoetc. About his shyness - I find it adorable. I think, it added a depth, complexity and certain special nuance to his work. Below you have some YouTube videos of him perfoming pure Gypsy folk art (Cante Jondo).

Por Soleares de Triana:

Por Seguiriyas:

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