5 August 2013

A look back in time. History of Andalusia

I think you'd need a timeline that gave you the necessary context for understanding the nature of both the Andalusian and Sevillian and for fully appreciating the circumstances surrounding many of those issues I have touched on so far (be that diet, poetic thought and expression, nationalist feelings, etc.). The content of the table below is a representation of data extracted from the table by @ndalusia-web. For more, read: http://www.spainthenandnow.com/ or http://www.andalucia-andalusia.com/.

Since the times of the first metalworking (third millenium BC) the land between two oceans and two continents is a preferred target of many diverse people. The oldest known monarchy of "Tartessos" originates in the 11th century in southern Spain influenced by the Phoenician and the Greek. Agriculture and cattle breeding as well as mining industry and gold processing are the dominating activities of their trading civilisation. They are followed by the Turdetani, an Iberian tribe, later the Carthaginias found their own settlements.

2500 BC - First metalworking
11-6th century BC - Kingdom of "Tartessos"
900 BC - Phoenician settle the Iberian peninsula and found Cádiz
8th century BC - Foundation of Hispalis (i.e. Roman name of Seville)
600 BC - Greek settlements along the Andalusian coast
500 BC - Carthaginian (Punic) settlements
During the 3rd Century BC the Romans beat the Carthaginian in the two Punic Wars, found and dominate for the next 700 years the "Baetica" province. Andalusia supplies the Roman Empire with food, oil, wine and metal. The philosopher Seneca and the first two emperors born outside of Rome come from Italica (near Seville): Trajan and Hadrian. Since the 3rd Century Rome looks more and more to the eastern world (Constantinople).
264 BC - Begins the I Punic War
218 BC - Begins the II Punic War
216 BC - Hispalis is destructed by the Romans
205 BC - Scipio founds Italica
19 BC - Foundation of the "Baetica" province
98-117 - Trajan; Roman emperor, the first to be born outside Italy
117-138 - Hadrian, Trajan's nephew and successor as Roman emperor
3rd century - Growing influence of the Christian religion

With the decline of Rome the Vandals, a northern Germanic people, conquer the land and give it its name: "Vandalusia". Their reign is of short duration, they are followed by the Visigoth, who settle leaded by their king Alaric II on the Iberian peninsula and experience under the Christian bishops Leander and Isidore their prospering period.
409-429 - Reign of the Vandals
476 - Foundation of the Visigoth Kingdom
484-507 - King Alaric II
589 - The Visigoth convert to the Catholic belief
6-7th century - The bishops Leander and Isidor are the main protagonists of the Visigoth reign
The Moorish conquest of Spain from 711 to 732. Image taken form here

At the beginning of the 8th century the Arab cross the Strait of Gibraltar and spread fast on the Iberian peninsula. The independent Emirate Al-Andalus and later the Caliphate of Córdoba (challenging Bagdad) mark the blooming time of the Umayyad dynasty and thus the Arab culture in Andalusia. Córdoba becomes the center and melting pot of different cultures and religions. Trade, science, handicraft and arts experience a long succeessful period. Starting from 1031 the Caliphate disintegrates into small Islamic reigns. Almoravids and Almohads (Berber) alternate their rulership until the 13th Century. After the fall of Córdoba (1236) and Seville (1248) the Nasrid kings maintain their kingdom in Granada for two and a half more centuries. The last Moor king Boabdil hands over the city of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs Isabel and Fernando in January 1492 and moves to the Alpujarra mountains.
711-716 - Arab military troops under Tarik-ibn-Ziyad conquer the region
929 - Abd-ar-Rahman III proclaims himself Caliph of Córdoba
1031 - Decline of the Caliphate
Since 1086 - Reign of the Almoravids
Mid 12th century - Reign of the Almohads
1212 - Christian troops defeat the Almohads close to Las Navas de Tolosa
13th century - The Castilian rulers conquer large parts of Andalusia
1232-1492 - Nasrid Kingdom in Granada
January 1492 - Capitulation of King Boabdil
Spain in 910. Image taken form here

With the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus begins the golden age of Andalusia. Seville becomes the main place for all trading activities with the West Indies and the cultural center of Spain. Since 1503 ships loaded with gold and silver from the New World dock since 1503 in the port of Seville. Unknown plants and food achieve to Europe and change agricultural and nutrition habits of the Europeans. Later Cádiz takes over the trade monopoly from Seville. Under the strong influence of the Renaissance and the Baroque are constructed cathedrals, churches, palaces, public buildings and many new squares. Political rivalries, economic mismanagement, the loss of the hegemony on the oceans and the efects of four epidemic pest deseases mark the beginning of the political and economic decline of Seville and whole Spain in the first half of the 17th century.

October 1492 - Columbus reaches the West Indies
1503 - Seville has the trade monopoly for the New World
1516 - Charles V inherits the Spanish crown
16th century - Suppression of two Arab revolts
1556 - Philip II, successor of Charles V
1588 - The "invincible" Spanish Armada is destroyed by England
1609 - Deportation of the last Moors
1621 - Philip IV accesses the throne
1641 - Revolts in big Andalusian cities
1649 - Seville loses half of its population due to pest desease
1680 - Cádiz obtains the trade monopoly from Seville
Spain does not get out of the crises. The 18th century begins with the War of the Spanish Succession, in whose process Gibraltar becomes British. Philip V, the first Bourbon on the Spanish throne, lives a few years in Seville. The ideas of the French Enlightenment have a notable influence in the middle of the century. Cádiz loses the monopoly of the trade with the New World in 1788. The 19th century Andalusia is involved in the Napoleonic Wars, which impacts the entire continent. At the same time the Spanish colonial empire declines and the conflicts about the succession of the Spanish throne are violent as well. In the mid of the century Spain experience a time of social tensions and upcoming liberal revolutionary ideas. The First Republic is restored after two years by the monarchy. At the end of the 19th century Andalusia suffers again some revolts. The war against the USA marks the end of the colonial empire. The Spanish crown loses Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

1701-1715 - War of the Spanish Succession
1704 - Gibraltar becomes British
1788 - Cádiz loses the monopoly for the trade with the New World
1808-1814 - Wars against Napoleon
1834-1839 - Wars for the Spanish throne
1875 - Restauration of the monarchy under Alfonso XII
1892 - Revolts in Jerez de la Frontera
1898 - Lost of the last Spanish colonies
Hand-drawn flag “I am an Andalusian”. Image taken form here

In the first half of the 20th century Spain is afflicted by social and political conflicts. After the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera follows the Second Republic. Spain does not participate in the two World Wars, but since 1936 the Civil War destroys large parts of the country. In his consequence the victorious General Franco governs the country up to his death in the year 1975. The coronation of King Juan Carlos I and mainly the restauration of the democracy open new possibilities for the different regions. Andalusia receives the status of an autonomous region. The economic and social progress of the sixties and seventies is strengthened in southern Spain by the boom of the tourism. The membership of Spain in the European Community/Union also creates new perspectives for the Andalusian agricultural production.
1900-1931 - Period of social and economic tensions
1923-1930 - Dictatorship under General Primo de Rivera
1929 - World's fair Ibero-American Exposition is held in Seville
1931-1936 - 2nd Republic
1936-1939 - Civil War
1939-1975 - Dictatorship of General Franco
1975 - Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
1977 - Free elections in Spain
1982 - Andalusia receives the status of an autonomous region; Regional Parliament elections
1986 - Spain becomes member of the European Community (Today's European Union)

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