5 July 2013

Hot days ahead

It's been a beautiful morning with some air and warmth, with a sunny and hot afternoon coming up. One can sense that. Hello, constant daily sunshine and long lazy siesta hours! No complaining here; if not best climate ever, then best hours possible! Sweaty, but nice. What does it feel like anyway, at these hours, I mean? Like an oven? Yes, it's exactly that, but only in the street. Sheltered at home, it's just with a hot breeze from the window, if you leave it open. And all this serenity... Unimaginable! It's not just silent, it's ultra silent and smooth. 

Seville sizzling at a temperature in the high forties. Photo by the FB group Para vivir, yo sólo quiero Sevilla 

See, Seville experienced 46 degrees Celsius yesterday, making it the hottest day of the season so far, though not the hottest one in the history. Believe it or not, there was an evidence of even higher temperatures recorded in Seville on the very same day, 4 July 2013. But this is already something outlandish, the reader must have been overheated under the direct sun exposure. Whether or not, there's no relief from heat, the weather in the metropolitan area is going to be very hot, with the sun baking down on Sevillians.

Hellish heat in Los Remedios neighbourhood (Seville) on 4 July 2013. Photo by Citycafe y copas

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